ISSN: 0973-5089 | [email protected]

Detecting Deception using Reality Monitoring: A Multi-method Exploration

Aisha Kashif, Zubaa Akhtar

COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad Campus, Pakistan


The present research was conducted using multi-method techniques. the first phase was a qualitative exploration of the need for an assessment tool for screening deception in confession statements. The second phase used objective quantitative technique to investigate the efficacy and validity of reality monitoring techniques: within indigenous settings, with reference to different professions. The sample of the study consisted of 30 Professionals from 5 Professions, namely lawyers, Police Officers, Psychologists, Journalists, Urdu language, and English language Experts. The results followed that the police officers had the highest ability to detect deception in confession statements and the RM technique is viable for indigenous settings, after a few practical considerations. 


confession statements, Deception, Effects of Profession, Indigenous need, Reality monitoring,