ISSN: 0973-5089 | [email protected]

Does parenting behaviour impacts delinquency? A comparative study of delinquents and nondelinquents

Tanusree Moitra

University of Calcutta, India

Indrani Mukherjee

University of Calcutta, India


The present study examines the relationship between mothers' and fathers' parenting behaviour and the development of delinquency in male adolescents located in Kolkata, India. The data were collected from 200 adolescents (100 delinquents and 100 non-delinquents) aged 11-18 years. A significant difference exists in the parenting dimensions of the two groups of adolescents. Further analysis revealed that parenting styles of mothers and fathers were linked to delinquency, of which authoritative style appeared to be the best style of parenting. On the other hand, neglectful and authoritarian parenting was positively related to delinquency. Furthermore, the impact of age and religion upon delinquency was also studied. Age of the delinquent was related to delinquency and it was noted that early adolescence was a richer breeding ground of delinquency. No impact was found between religion and delinquency. The findings have implications for parenting and its effort in reducing delinquency in India.


Delinquency; parenting dimensions; parenting styles; India.