Book Review of Understanding Terrorism: Challenges, Perspectives, and Issues


  • Tara Harrison Truman State University, United States of America


human behavior, weapons and communications technologies., psychological standpoint


"At the outset, it is important to understand that the study of terrorism is, first and foremost, a study in human behavior" (p. xix). Like other major events in history, most of us can recollect where we were when we learnt of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. These "attacks were seen by many as a turning point in the history of political violence" in the Western world (p. 3). It is within Martin's first chapter that various impressions of terrorism are discussed. A complete understanding of terroristic behaviors requires insight into extremist's beliefs. Such an understanding hinges on knowledge of how symbolism is used as a recruitment tool to rationalize and justify violence. Induction based upon ideology is crucial to both the enlistment of single participants and to the development of terroristic groups. These groups are often comprised of angry and disenfranchised individuals who have developed expertise in weapons and communications technologies.


